Wednesday, October 8, 2008

360 degrees of Wisdom

Seth told me about this quote:

"We're going to turn this team around 360 degrees."

-NBA Star who played college basketball for Berkeley, Jason Kidd upon being traded to the Dallas Mavericks


I found this one:

"[My] career was sputtering until [I] did a 360 and got headed in the right direction."

- NBA star Tracy McGrady, after signing with the Orlando Magic.


No telling about the veracity of these quotes. I couldn't find original sources or even any attribution to a printed or broadcast source from any of the (many) web sites that listed these quotes.

In any event they're funny.

Now I'm on the lookout for more -- hopefully out of journalism. If not, good funny quotes from public people who (mis)use numbers will be great. If you notice any, please sent them my way:


John told our algebra class today that it's normal to feel as if we were drowning. He said he felt that way learning math. But, he said hopefully, we will be surprised by how much we will have learned by the end of the semester if we stick it out.

There are already lots of things I can do now that I couldn't three weeks ago. That feels good. I probably could have scored plenty of percentile points higher on my Law School Admissions Test when I was 22 if I knew this stuff. I might have actually been accepted into law school and really messed up my life.

Unfortunately, I'm also learning that progress rises in direct proportion to the amount of time invested in the pursuit of that learning. That can be put into a simple mathematical formula where x=amount learned and t=time invested: (f)x=t.

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