Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Journalist's minimal Math Book

I've found out that the easiest thing about writing a blog is putting it off.  I've taught classes, bicycled in New Mexico, read a lot of NY Times and New Yorker, but not written here.

But thinking about it has not been a problem.

I have spoken with several people about the idea of a math book for journalists. Folks think it is necessary and that is an area where most newspapers and other media are either inadequate or simply screw up.  

I just received my copy of "A Mathematician Reads the Newspaper" by John Allen Paulos.  It seems like it will be a really fun read, but is not useful in terms of skills, just awareness. 

David Cullier, a colleague at the University of Arizona and who is quite active in many national organizations told me about a math for journalists book that might already have accomplished what I have in mind.  It is "Numbers in the Newsroom" by Sarah Cohen.  It was published by the Investigative Reporters and Editors (IRE) organization.  Dave ordered a copy for me and I look forward to seeing it. 

I glanced through his copy and my initial impression was that it was right on target, but not fun. I wonder whether I could write (and have illustrated) a fun book that journalists an journalism students would actually read and use.  

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